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    2023- present

    PI & Assistant Professor (Lecturer) in Inflammation, Aging and Cancer Biology

    College of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Department of LifeSciences, Division of Biosciences.


    Centre for Inflammation Research and Translational Medicine (CIRTM)

    Brunel University London, Uxbridge, UB8 3PH, United Kingdom

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    2023- 2024

    Visiting Researcher


    Host lab:

    Pier Giuseppe Pelicci Lab

    European Institute of Oncology

    Milan, IT

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  • Previous research experiences


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    Senior Postdoc

    Research ASSOCIATE

    RhoGTPases in

    breast and prostate cancer cell: endothelial cells in metastasis

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    Visiting Fellow

    (development fund)

    Peter Searson Lab


    JHU, Baltimore, USA

    Fabrication of 3D perfusable microvessels


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    Research ASSOCIATE

    Anne Ridley FRS Lab

    King`s College London, UK


    Visiting scientist

    Ruth Muschel Lab

    Oxford University, UK

    RhoGTPases in

    cancer migration

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    PhD Research STUDENT

    Romero&Male BBBLab

    The Open University

    Milton Keynes, UK

    MicroRNAs in

    leukocyte adhesion to blood-brain barrier in neuroinflammation

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    Guzman&Sanchez Lab

    Complutense Univ.

    Madrid, Spain

    Cannabinoids effects on primary and metastatic

    breast cancer

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    Pharmacogenomic lab

    Tempia Foundation, Biella, Italy

    Microarray analysis of patient-derived cells from prostatic carcinoma.

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    Papers, Reviews, Protocols, Book Chapters            my ORCiD 0000-0001-9426-686X

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    IQGAP1 and NWASP promote human cancer cell dissemination and metastasis by regulating β1-integrin via FAK and MRTF/SRF


    Original article

    Camilla Cerutti,C Serena Lucotti, Sofia T. Menendez, Nicolas Reymond, Ritu Garg, Ignacio A. Romero, Ruth Muschel, and Anne J. Ridley


    Cell Reports 2024

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    Alzheimer’s disease associated P460Lvariant of EphA1 dysregulates receptor activity and blood brain barrier function.


    Original article


    Helen Owens, LaurenThorburn, Elisabeth Walsby, Owen Moon, SubuhiSherwani, Caroline Tinsley, Louise Rogers, PierreRizkallah, Joanne Jones, Camilla Cerutti, ChrisPepper, Anne Ridley, Julie Williams, Vera Knäuperand, Ann Ager.


    Alzheimer's & Dementia 2024
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    Dual role of brain endothelial Gpr126 in blood-brain barrier development and ischemic stroke.

    Original article


    Nikolaos Kakogiannos, Anna Agata Scalise, Emanuele Martini, Claudio Maderna, Serena Magni, Giorgia Serena Gullotta, Maria Grazia Lampugnani, Fabio Iannelli, Galina V. Beznoussenko, Alexander A. Mironov, Camilla Cerutti, Katie Bentley, Andrew Philippides, Federica Zanardi, Marco Bacigaluppi, Gianvito Martino, Elisabetta Dejana, Monica Giannotta.



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    A method to generate perfusable physiologic-like vascular channels within a liver-on-chip model.


    Original article

    E. Ferrari , E. Monti, C. Cerutti, R. Visone, P. Occhetta, L. G. Griffith, M. Rasponi



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    Bone marrow vasculature advanced in vitro models for cancer and cardiovascular research



    Marzia Campanile, Leonardo Bettinelli, Camilla Cerutti*, Gaia Spinetti*


    Front. Cardiovasc. Med.

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    Original article

    Camilla Cerutti, Lucilla Luzi, Giulia De Michele, Valentina Gambino, Enrica Migliaccio, Pier Giuseppe Pelicci.



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    An In Vitro Blood-Brain Barrier Model to Study Firm Shear Stress-Resistant Leukocyte Adhesion to Human Brain Endothelial Cells.


    Original article

    Camilla Cerutti , Ignacio A Romero


    Methods Mol Biol 2022.

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    On-chip perivascular niche supporting stemness of

    patient-derived glioma cells in a serum-free, flowable culture.


    Original article

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    Analyzing the Roles of Rho GTPases in Cancer Cell Adhesion

    to Endothelial Cells Under Flow Conditions

    Book chapter


    Camilla Cerutti, Anne J Ridley


    Methods Mol Biol 2021

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    Aspirin blocks formation of metastatic intravascular niches

    by inhibiting platelet-derived COX-1/thromboxane A2

    Original article


    Serena Lucotti, Camilla Cerutti, Magali Soyer, Ana M. Gil-Bernabé, Ana L. Gomes, Philip D. Allen, Sean Smart,Bostjan Markelc, Karla Watson, Paul C. Armstrong,Jane A. Mitchell, Timothy D. Warner, Anne J. Ridley, and Ruth J. Muschel


    J. Clin Invest 2019

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    Endothelial cell-cell adhesion and signalling



    Camilla Cerutti, Anne J. Ridley


    Experimental cell research 2017

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    MiR-126 and miR-126* regulate shear-resistant firm leukocyte adhesion

    to human brain endothelium

    Original article


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    MicroRNA-155 contributes to shear-resistant leukocyte adhesion

    to human brain endothelium in vitro

    Original article


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    MicroRNAs in Brain Endothelium and Inflammation

    Book chapter | The Blood Brain Barrier and Inflammation | Springer 2016


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    Brain endothelial miR-146a negatively modulates T-cell adhesion through repressing multiple targets to inhibit NF-κB activation.

    Original article


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    Zinc-imidazolate polymers (ZIPs) as

    a potential carrier to brain capillary endothelial cells.

    Original article


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    Role of cannabinoid receptor CB2 in HER2 pro-oncogenic signaling in breast cancer

    ACKNOWLEDGED for the animal colony MMTV-neu:CB2-/- generation

    J Natl Cancer Inst. 2015



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    Role of microRNAs in leukocyte adhesion to human brain microvascular endothelium.


    PhD Thesis

    Cerutti C


    The Open University

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    Cannabinoids reduce ErbB2-driven breast cancer progression through Akt inhibition.

    Original article


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    JunD is involved in the antiproliferative effect of

    Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol on human breast cancer cells.


    Original article

  • COLLABORAtions

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    Dr Serena Lucotti

    Oxford University,UK

    Cornell, NY,USA

    Prof Ruth Muschel Lab

    3D BRAIN ENDOTHELIUM: Microfabrication of perfusable microvessels in 3D


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    Prof Nacho Romero

    The Open University UK



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    Dr Mauro Chiacchia

    Uni of Southampton UK

    Prof Darren Bradshaw Lab Functional Materials, Functional Inorganic, Materials and Supramolecular Chemistry

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    Dr Alessandra Granata

    Cambridge University UK

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    Dr Andrea Serio

    Crick Institute-KCL UK

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    Dr Gaia Spinetti

    Multimedica IT

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    Dr Marco Rasponi

    PoliMI IT



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    Oxford imaging symposia


    Adhesion and migration in disease: Translational and therapeutic opportunities


    Centro 3R - IV Annual Meeting






    CELL DYNAMIC V UK 17-20.4.2023 on line


    AIRC i-CARE annual meeting Milan, Italy 1-2.12.2022

    Single-cell epigenetic and molecular signatures in human breast cancer metastasis formation



    ECR Biochemistry Focus webinar 'Cellular Behaviour - Disease and Infection Models'


    2D and 3D human vasculature models to study cancer cell adhesion and migration during metastasis formation



    EACR22 ( Meeting of the European Association for Cancer Research), Seville, Spain, 2022. 20-23.

    "2D and 3D-human vasculature models to study cancer cell interaction with endothelial cells in metastasis formation"



    ONCO-TECH-LAB projects presentation at the inaugural opening IEO, MIlan, Italy 5.4.2022

    3D-human vasculature on-a-chip




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    The 3rd Crick International Cancer Conference ONLINE 4-5.10.21



    Alliance against cancer 6th annual meeting ON LINE

    `New technologies and strategies to fight cancer`24-25.9.21

    Cell la vie! ONLINE edition 23.9.21



    Discussion forum on model of metastasis 15.9.21
    The fourth Single Cell Proteomics Conference (SCP2021) ON LINE 16-18.8.21


    CRC6613 "Vascular Control of Organ Function"
    International Meeting, ON LINE 28-30.6.21




    Let`s shape the future together 23.6.21

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    Organ-on-a-Chip Symposium











    Organ-on-a-chip: current gaps and future directions ON DEMAND 06.2020


    Engineering Advanced 3D (in vitro) Models for Solid Cancer Studies 20.7.21



    CELL MIGRATION seminars



    Since May 2020 we have been running a once-a-week one hour seminar on the topic of cell migration featuring the latest work from group leaders, postdocs and PhD students from around the world.


    EVBO Seminar Series www.evbo.org



    Since May 2020 we have been running a twice-a-month one hour seminar on the topic of vascular biology featuring the latest work from group leaders, postdocs and PhD students from around the world.


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    INVITED TALK Cancer Network Show&Tell

    Translational pathway and cancer metastasis

    Southmead Hospital, Bristol 5.2.2019


    INVITED TALK Research day away Bristol Zoo 14.1.2019


    Actin 2019 13.12.19

    POSTER Cdc42 targets in regulating cancer cell: endothelial cell interaction

    The 9th Annual UK & Ireland Early Career Blood Brain Barrier Symposium 22.11.19

    TALK Cancer cell: brain endothelial cell interaction in tumor progression


    Bristol endothelial meeting 2019 19.9.19

    TALK Cell:endothelial cell in cancer progression.


    Physiological Oxygen & Metallomics Facility Workshop, King's College London London 25.9.19


    Invited speaker at KCL cardiovascular division 2.8.19


    London Vascular Biology Meeting, 17.7.19

    QMUL -London-


    Invited speaker at University of Birmingham, 3.7.19


    UK cell adhesion meeting a day in the life of cellular interactions Birmingham UK. 1-2. 7.19

    TALK Cdc42 targets regulate cancer cell:endothelial cell interaction in tumor progression

    Stress&Inflammation In Tumor Progression &Metastasis Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel 13-16.5.19

    Cdc42 targets in regulating cancer cell: endothelial cell interaction

    POSTER (Travel grant award University of Bristol)



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    Actin 2018. The Watershed, Bristol UK 14.12.18

    Cdc42-targets in regulating cancer cell:endothelial cell interaction.TALK


    UK Cell Adhesion Society Meeting UCL, UK


    Cell adhesion in the regulation of cell behaviour


    Actin 2017. The Watershed, Bristol UK 15.12.17

    Cdc42-targets in regulating cancer cell:endothelial cell interaction POSTER


    UK Cell Adhesion Society Meeting in association with The British Microcirculation Society (BMS) Birmingham, UK. The Many Facets of Vascular Inflammation 3-4.4.17

    Roles of Cdc42 targets in regulating cancer cell:brain endothelial cell interaction (Travel grant award UKCAS) POSTER


    Mechanobiology at the Shard London UK 6.2.2017







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    Actin 2016. The Watershed, Bristol UK 16.12.16

    Camilla Cerutti, Nicolas Reymond, Ignacio A. Romero, Anne Ridley. Roles of Cdc42 targets in regulating cancer cell:endothelial cell interaction POSTER


    Vascular Endothelium: Role in disease pathogenesis and as a therapeutic target, Imperial College London Sumposium-London-1.12.16

    Roles of CDC42 targets in regulating cancer cell:endothelial cell interaction TALK


    Joint Franco-Italian-Swiss, Lyon, France.

    24-26 10.16

    Multinational meeting on Blood-brain Interfaces

    Camilla Cerutti, Nicolas Reymond, Ignacio A. Romero, Anne Ridley. Roles of Cdc42 targets in regulating cancer cell:brain endothelial cell interaction POSTER


    UK Cell Adhesion Society Meeting, UCL London 22.09.16

    The Force is awake integrins and beyond.

    Camilla Cerutti, Nicolas Reymond, Ignacio A. Romero, Anne Ridley. Roles of Cdc42 targets in regulating cancer cell:endothelial cell interaction POSTER


    Blood-brain barrier consortium club symposium,

    ‘The Immune System and the Blood-Brain Barrier with implications for CNS pathology’, Gordon museum,KCL London 15.4.2016

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    48th London Vascular Biology meeting King`s College London UK 9.12.15

    Camilla Cerutti, Nicolas Reymond, Ignacio A. Romero, Anne Ridley. Roles of Cdc42 targets in regulating cancer cell:endothelial cell interaction POSTER


    London Vascular Biology Forum Meeting, KCL-London- 12.15


    Actin 2015 The Watershed, Bristol UK 27.11.15

    Camilla Cerutti, Nicolas Reymond, Ignacio A. Romero, Anne Ridley. Roles of Cdc42 targets in regulating cancer cell:endothelial cell interaction POSTER


    London Vascular Biology Forum Meeting, The Rayne Institute, UCL -London- 12.10.15


    Barcelona Bio Med Conference Blood Brain Barrier, Barcelona, Spain. 2-4 November 2015


    4th UK&Ireland Early Career Blood-Brain Barrier Symposium, UCL, London, UK BBB Symposium. 21.11.14


    Actin 2014. The Watershed, Bristol UK 28.10.14


    International Conference on Metal-Organic Frameworks and Open Framework Compounds (MOF2014) Kobe, Japan, Oct 2014

    Chiacchia, M.; Cerutti, C.; Gromnicova, R.; Rietdorf, K.: I. A. Romero, I. A.; Bradshaw, D.

    Amorphous Metal-Organic Framework as intracellular delivery vehicles to the Brain TALK


    Joint Franco-Belgian-British multinational meeting on blood-brain interfaces. Universite d`Artois, Arras, France, May 2013.

    C. Cerutti, Basil Sharrack, David K. Male and Ignacio A. Romero.

    MiR-126 and miR-126*: two new players in flow-based leukocyte adhesion on cytokine-activated human brain endothelium in vitro. TALK






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    11th International Congress of Neuroimmunology (ISNI) Boston (MA), USA,

    C. Cerutti, M.A. Lopez-Ramirez, Mark C. Hirst, Basil Sharrack, David K. Male and Ignacio A. Romero.

    MiR-126 and miR-126* play a role in flow-based leukocyte adhesion on cytokine-activated human brain microvascular endothelium in vitro November 2012.POSTER


    MicroRNAs & Single Molecule Biology Europe - 2012 Symposium. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, November 2012.​

    C. Cerutti, M.A. Lopez-Ramirez, Mark C. Hirst, Basil Sharrack, David K. Male and Ignacio A. Romero.

    MiR-126 and miR-126* play a role in flow-based leukocyte adhesion on cytokine-activated human brain microvascular endothelium in vitro POSTER


    2nd UK&Ireland Early Career Blood-Brain Barrier Symposium, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK, November 2012.

    C. Cerutti, Basil Sharrack, David K. Male and Ignacio A. Romero.

    MiR-126 and miR-126* play a role in flow-based leukocyte adhesion on cytokine-activated human brain microvascular endothelium in vitro TALK


    RNA control mechanisms in development and stress. Charles Darwin House, London, UK, November 2011.

    C. Cerutti, M.A. Lopez-Ramirez, sil Sharrack, David K. Male and Ignacio A. Romero.

    MicroRNA regulation of leukocyte adhesion to cultured human brain endothelial cells POSTER


    1st UK&Ireland Early Career Blood-Brain Barrier Symposium, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK November 2011.

    C. Cerutti, Basil Sharrack, David K. Male and Ignacio A. Romero.

    MiR-126 and miR-126* play a role in flow-based leukocyte adhesion on cytokine-activated human brain microvascular endothelium in vitro TALK


    14th symposium on signal transduction in the blood brain barriers, Celal Aga Konagi Hotel, Istanbul, September 2011.​

    C. Cerutti, M.A. Lopez-Ramirez, Mark C. Hirst, Basil Sharrack, David K. Male and Ignacio A. Romero.

    MicroRNA regulation of leukocyte adhesion to cultured human brain endothelial cells POSTER


    9th International Conference on Cerebral Vascular Biology, Pieterskerk, Leiden, the Netherlands, June 2011.

    C. Cerutti, M.A. Lopez-Ramirez, Mark C. Hirst, Basil Sharrack, David K. Male and Ignacio A. Romero. MicroRNA regulation of leukocyte adhesion to cultured human brain endothelial cells. POSTER


    Blood-brain barrier consortium club symposium,

    ‘Blood-brain barrier in neurological disorders’, Gordon museum, KCL London 8.4.2011

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    10th International Congress of Neuroimmunology, Sitges (Barcelona, Spain) October 2010.

    M.A. Lopez-Ramirez, C. Cerutti, B. Sharrack, M.C. Hirst, D.K. Male, I.A. Romero.

    microRNAs: Key Modulators of the brain endothelial inflammatory response?


    Postgraduate annual meeting of Life Sciences. The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK 13 May 2010.

    C. Cerutti, M.A. Lopez-Ramirez, Basil Sharrack, David K. Male and Ignacio A. Romero.

    An in vitro human blood-brain barrier model to study the role of microRNAs in leukocyte adhesion to inflamed endothelium TALK

    9th Annual Meeting of the Spanish Society for Cannabinoid Research, Córdoba, Spain, 2008.

    M.M. Caffarel, C. Andradas, E. Mira, C. Cerutti, S. Mañes, M. Guzmán & C. Sánchez.

    Antitumoral effect of cannabinoids in a genetic model of breast cancer.


    EACR20 (20th Meeting of the European Association for Cancer Research), Lyon, France, 2008.

    M. M. Caffarel, C. Andradas, E. Mira, C. Cerutti, S. Mañes, M. Guzmán & C. Sánchez. Antitumoural effect of cannabinoids in an animal model of breast cancer.


    ECCO 14 (The European Cancer Conference), Barcelona, Spain, 2007.

    M. M. Caffarel, G. Moreno-Bueno, C. Cerutti, J. Palacios, M. Guzmán, F. Mechta-Grigoriou & C. Sánchez. Involvement of AP-1 in cannabinoid antiproliferative action.


    Annual meeting of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology departments. School of Biology, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain, June 2007.

    C. Cerutti, M. M. Caffarel , M. Guzmán & C. Sánchez.

    New “in vivo” models to study the antitumoural potential of cannabinoids.


    Small group TUTOR

    2022 MSc Year 1 Fisiologia cellulare e molecolare, focused class vasculature on a chip, UniMi, Italy

    2019 BSc Year 1 Cellular and Molecular Pathology, University of Bristol, UK

    2019 BSc MB21 Year 2 Body defence Expert panel session University of Bristol, UK

    2018&2019 BSc PANM12051 Normal and tumour cells University of Bristol, UK
    2016&2017 BSc 5BBY0202 Cell Biology B tutorials 1,2 and 3 King`s College London, UK


    Project SUPERVISOR

    Miss Arianna Luraschi-------------POLIMI-Biomedical Engineering (tirocinante) Master student (1year 2022/23) Milan ITALY

    Mr Leonardo Bettinelli-------------Applied Biology to biomedical research Master student (1 year 2022/23) University of Milan ITALY

    Miss Virginia Grazioli --------------POLIMI-Biomedical Engineering (tirocinante) Master student (1year 2020/21) Milan ITALY

    Miss Yara Aghabi -------------------School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Master student (1year 2019/20) University of Bristol UK

    Mr Willem Gibbs -------------------PhD rotation student Wellcome Trust (3 months 2019) University of Bristol UK

    Miss Carys Lampard ---------------Biology Undergraduate student (6 months 2018-2019) University of Bristol UK
    Miss Amy Merriman----------------Biology Undergraduate student (6 months 2018-2019) University of Bristol UK
    Miss Suha Abdulla------------------ Medical student y3 (8 months 2017-2018) King`s College London UK
    Miss Hiba Chaudhry----------------Pharmacy master & PhD student BHF (1year 2017-2018) King`s College London UK
    Miss Amy Pearce -------------------PhD rotation student BHF (3 months 2016) King`s College London UK
    Miss Zhuang Yunhui, Selina-------Biology Undergraduate student (3 months 2015) King`s College London UK
    Miss Patricia Soblechero Martin-Pharmacy Erasmus Master Student (3 months 2012) The Open University UK


    2011&2012 One-to-one and groups, SXR376 Molecular basis of human disease-molecular biology and biochemistry
    The Open University Summer Residential School, 3 weeks Lab experience Nottingham University UK


    2016 Focus group to improve teaching in higher education for King's Learning Institute London UK
    2017 Teaching recognition at King`s course for Associate fellow of High Education Academy-King's Learning Institute


  • Education

    BSc MSc PhD

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    2014 __PhD in

    Neuro Vascular Immunology


    Dec 2009-Feb 2014 The Open University, UK


    Thesis: Role of endothelial microRNAs in leukocyte adhesion to human brain microvascular endothelium


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    2009__ MSc in

    Industrial Biotechnology _ Pharmacogenomic

    Dec 2005-April 2009 University of Milano-Bicocca , IT


    Thesis: Cannabinoids in breast cancer in vitro and in vivo


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    2005__ BSc in

    Biotechnology _ Medical


    Oct 2000-Dec 2005 University of Milano-Bicocca, IT


    Thesis: Study of patients-derived prostatic cancer cells gene expression by microarray


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    2000__ Diploma in

    Science _lyceum


    Sept 1995-July 2000 Science high school A. Avogadro Biella, IT


    SUBJECTS: Biology, Chemistry, Earth science, Math, Physic, Informatic, Geography, History, Philosophy, artistic design, Art history, technical design, Latin, English, Italian literature

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    PhD graduation day

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    MSc graduation day

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    BSc graduation day



    • 2023 Travel grant award Biochemical Society
    • 2020 3-years fellowship i-CARE cofund AIRC and by the EU H2020 research and innovation Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant
    • 2019 Travel grant award School of cellular and molecular medicine, University of Bristol UK
    • 2018 Development Fund CRUK – OXFORD UK.

    S Lucotti, C Cerutti, T Warner, J Mitchell, AJ Ridley, RJ Muschel​- Targeting tumour cell transendothelial migration during metastasis.

    • 2018 Research grant award KCL GLOBAL Research grant 2017 King`s College London, Uk

    C Cerutti Fabrication of perfusable microvessels training in Searson lab, Johns Hopkins University, USA

    • 2017 Travel grant award Biochemical Society
    • 2017 Travel grant award UK Cell Adhesion Society (UKCAS)
    • 2012  Travel grant award Guarantors of Brain, BRAIN
    • 2011 Student extra-fund The Open University
    • 2009 PhD fellowship (3 years) The Open University (national PhD salary+ £16000 for consumables)
    • 2006 Erasmus Program Scholarship EU LLP/ERASMUS and Milano-Bicocca University (1 year) European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students
    • 2017 Outstanding contribution to laboratory sustainability award- King`s College London UK
    • 2017 Head team laboratory sustainability Silver Award Randall Division, King`s College London UK


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    2016-present   Reviewer for Cell Biology

    2018-present        EDITORIAL Board Member for Cell Biology

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    2019-present Reviewer 

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    2019-present Reviewer for The Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis

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    Reviewer for Molecular Biology Reports

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    Reviewer for iSCIENCE

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    Reviewer for the Journal of cellular and molecular medicine

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    Reviewer for CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics

    SOCIETY Memberships

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    International Society of NeuroImmunology ISNI

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    European vascular biology association EVB

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    British Society of Cell Biology BSCB


    Public engagement

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    • 2021-2022 Fondazione AIRC- incontro con la ricerca 



    Public engagement with:

    2021: high school students of  ’Istituto Superiore Einaudi` in Cremona (IT) to present  what is cancer, my cancer research project and the life of a scientist.

    2022: high school students of  Istituto M. Bossi in Seregno (MB) to present  what is cancer, my cancer research project and the life of a scientist.


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    • 2019 Soapbox Science

    Public outreach platform for promoting women scientists and the science they do.

    Speaker Dr Camilla Cerutti (@ccamilla81) 

    Location, location, location: when CANCER spread and relocate,

    we’ve got a deadly problem-METASTASIS!”

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    Public engagement, Weston Super Mare UK


    Public engagement on human cells and diseases studied at Bristol University.

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    • 2018 United learning

      www.unitedlearning.org.uk Walthamstow Academy London, UK


    Outreach with pupils `Scholars’ Club talk for University

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    • 2017 Scientist&Co 

    Roles: SHADOW a SCIENTIST in the lab, CV clinic and mock interview for academia.

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    Outreach with pupils* from disadvantaged background


    *Disclosure and Barring Service DBS check by the King’s Widening Participation team for working with children and a safeguarding training course were undertaked for these activities of outreach with pupils

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    • 2017 CV clinic

    Outreach with pupils* from disadvantaged background



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    • 2016 and 2017 King`s STARS  

    Science Training for Aspiring Research Scientists,

    King`s College London, UK


    Role: Hosting as lab demonstration in biochemistry techniques, a group of year 12 science students* from schools that have a poor record of student progression to Universities.

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    • 2017 Science Gallery

    www.london.sciencegallery.com ideas on how to explain science with art to young


    *Disclosure and Barring Service DBS check by the King’s Widening Participation team for working with children and a safeguarding training course were undertaked for these activities of outreach with pupils



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    School of molecular medicine (CMM)


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    School of molecular medicine (CMM)

    pathway 2 REPRESENTATIVE

    University of Bristol

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    CMM research day way,

    CHAIR for the cancer session

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    KCL Laboratory

    sustainability champion  






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    • Yoga
    • Snowboarding
    • Mountain hiking
    • Basketball  TEAMS: La Senavra basket ,Tumminelli Romana Basket. Milan, Italy
    • Figure Ice skating at competitive level,  Libertas Ghiaccio, trainer Bertolino Lucia. Turin, Italy
    • Rhythmic gymnastic. Turin, Italy
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    •  2016 KCL Dental Institute, Dr Guy Carpenter Laboratory, provide samples for the Project `assessing the relationship between saliva ferning and ovulation in woman`


      2006 volunteer during the XX Olympic Winter Games Turin (Italy) as Ice Skater assistant



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    • 1995 to 2000 summer volunteering schemes structured as daytime volunteering with elder people/disabled/children and evening time consideration and analysis of the experience with other volunteers, furthermore self managing the guest house was part of the daily tasks. Belletti Bona -BI-, Sermig -TO-, Summer camp with children -BI-

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    •  How to apply for grant application UoB 2019
    • Teaching@Bristol for Research Staff: Small Group Teaching
    • How to Prepare a Good Research Bid – Health Science & Life Science
    • Peer to Peer Mentoring UoB 2019
    • Working Towards a Lectureship or Fellowship UoB 2019
    • 2017


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      2016 _KCL LONDON_


      • Teaching in Higher education course &application KCL       


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      60 years of immunology celebration of The British Society for Immmunology Royal Society London Oct 2016


      Professor Stefan Hell, joint nobel prize for Chemistry in 2014, Optical microscopy: the resolution revolution part of King`s International Lecture dedicated to Rosalind Franklin -KCL- 6.4.16


      Athena SWAN Networking Lunch and Lecture with Laurie H. Glimcher, as part of the King`s International Lecture dedicated to Rosalind Franklin Guy's Hospital and KCL NHH, London 28.9.15


      Institute of Biomedical and Biomolecular Science seminar: ‘Changes in the perivascular drainage pathways associated with ageing, hypertension and possession of ApoE4. Significance of the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease’ by Prof Roxana Carare, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth 7.5.14


      London Barts and The London school of medicine and dentistry seminar:

      ‘The Brain Barriers: check Point Charlie for the immune cell entry into the CNS’ by Prof Britta Engelhardt, London 6.6.13

    • Reach Out

      Drop me a line!

      European Institute of Oncology IEO
      ViaAdamello 16, Milan, ITALY